Friday, August 31, 2018

More Kickstarters Arriving

I had two more Kickstarters show up this month from last years crazy number of pledges I made.

The first was Spies and Patriots 28mm Wargaming Miniatures from Brigade Games, based out of New Jersey here in the states.

Honestly I'm not sure why I backed this one, especially when I backed at the highest level possible with the most figures. I have more spi-fi miniatures than I know what to do with lol! And now I have 28 more??!! Every backer also got a free copy of the pulp rules "Where Heroes Dare" - in the first photo above.

There are a couple neat poses of figures, like the ones above, that should get themselves onto the table sooner than later. Lon and the gang at Brigade Games get an A+ on the fulfillment - the project funded on May 30th and had a July shipping estimate, and I had my box on July 30th.

Next to show up was the new expansion to Blood and Plunder by Firelock Games, No Peace Beyond the Line.

It was at last years Historicon that I went crazy stupid back at the hotel room, doubling my initial pledge amount after seeing some preview items and the game being played in the main exhibition hall.

I got three new factions, The Dutch, Pirates and Privateers, and European Colonial Militia.

Inside each box contains individual blisters for all the units, along with some doubloons used in the game.

I'm sure when normal retail blisters ship everything will have inserts with descriptions of what each blister is.

I was hoping that the template package was going to be acrylic but unfortunately it's MDF - not sure if I missed the description on the KS or if it wasn't revealed then. I guess we'll see how it looks when it's put together.

I got a boat load of casualty figures as add-ons, as they are some of my favorite types of miniatures. I'd much rather be able to throw down a casualty figure as opposed to simply tipping a figure over on its side to indicate that it's out of play. One of my bags only has 3 figures in it though - not sure if it's even worth contacting Firelock about since it's just one miniature.

And finally the piece de resistance! The Fluyt! This thing is an absolute monster, and it was seeing the prototype last year that had me all excited and frantically upping my initial pledge.

I don't know exactly what kind of resin Firelock uses for their ships but they are absolutely flawless. Resin ships of this size you'd think that there would be all kinds of issues regarding clean-up but there isn't a thing to do except wash it and start the painting process.

Just to give you a bit of scale I threw some of the newly based pirates on the ship. Once built and painted this thing will definitely something to see.

And again, just another scale shot with a figure on the outside. This Kickstarter funded on July 19th 2017, with an estimated delivery of March 2018. So about five months late, not too bad in the world of Kickstarters honestly so I'll give them a grade of a B.

And finally, while I ended up missing Historicon, which was a huge disappointment, I did get to make up a bit of that disappointment by getting to see my beloved Liverpool Football Club during their tour of the US for the International Champions Cup. They absolutely smashed Manchester United 4-1 and did it in front of over 100,000 people at Michigan Stadium. It was just mad. We were right behind the goal in what was deemed the Kop End, so my wife and son finally got to experience seeing Liverpool in person for the first time with Liverpool fans all around them in full voice. She was quite amused by the "Who The F@*k Are Man United" song and was singing along by the third time it was sung, bless her little heart lol!

More Walking Dead survivors on the table currently and also deciding on which building kit to work on next. I can't even remember the last time I actually built an MDF kit and I'm itching to finally start building stuff again.

As always, thanks for looking!


  1. Wow, Ivor, that looks like treasure trove indeed. Great swag!! Looking forward to seeing you paint all that up :-)

    1. Much appreciated! Lots more added to the ever growing 'Pile of Potential' lol!

  2. Looks like you have your work cut out painting this lot. The gangsters look good, as does the ship.

    1. Thanks John! Firelock's ships are far and beyond the best models I've ever seen on the market. No one even comes close. If anyone is in the market for a pirate type of ship I can't recommend them enough.

  3. Love the ship Ivor when I get a round to doing some Pirates I'll be picking one of them up, as for Liverpool I know they smashed Man U but if I'm right my beloved Spurs won that cup, another win for the Pool today to keep up their 100% start in the Prem & hopefully Spurs can win tomorrow to keep up their's & then after the international' they go head to head :)

    1. As I mentioned in my reply to John, you will absolutely love the ships when you get it. Even the smaller sloop is a fantastic model.
      You are indeed correct about Spurs, had we not mucked up that match against Dortmund we'd have been right there at the top with you. Can't wait for the match against Spurs, fingers crossed we'll finally get out of second gear and get back to some heavy metal football. Funny you have to play at Wembley - maybe because you didn't want the first ever match at the new stadium to be a crushing defeat to 'pool LOL!! 😁

    2. Tbh Ivor I was kind of glad that match was moved for that very reason, but the game will probably end up a boring 0-0 like it did in Kloop's first game with the Pool which was at White Heart Lane which I was at :)

      One of the good things about living in Ireland is that it easy to get to London :)

    3. I sure hope not lol! I'd take another match like the last one at Anfield - the 2-2 draw. Though we both know you were gifted that last penalty πŸ˜ƒ

  4. A nice haul. I'm half-interested in Blood & Plunder, as I got so many 3D-printable ships, but a new range of figures to paint... ehr..

    1. Thanks Joakim! Never miss a chance to spend more money is the our motto around here πŸ™‚

  5. That ship is a beast.
    I'll look forward to a review of the rules, I picked up a copy a couple of months back, but haven't done more than a customary skim through.

    1. It absolutely is, and what's crazy is that the galleon is even bigger!?
      Much like you, to this point I've only done the skim through on the rules. There's just too many good games/systems out there right now - I've heard it said that we are in the middle of a gaming "renaissance" currently and I couldn't agree more.

  6. Man that ship is Huuuuuge. Pretty cool though.
    Good luck picking a project and seeing it through!
    And It’s pretty funny when a KS finally shows up and our first thought is ‘why’d I buy this again?” πŸ˜€

    1. She is indeed, I'm sure the photos aren't doing the size justice.
      "Good luck picking a project and seeing it through" should probably be painted on the wall right as you walk into the studio lol! Kind of like in some homes where you see "Love, Live, Laugh" or similar sayings on the wall 🀣 I should put that on a t-shirt or something with the Saturday Mornings logo!
      You and I seem to be cut from the same cloth!

  7. Kickstarters... They are alluring little blighters that eat at my play funds, frustrate me due to how long they take to finally arrive and then, like Stew, I often wonder why the bleeding heck I pledged for stuff in the first place as I already have a crap-tonne of unpainted projects on the go already!

    Some seriously lovely minis in all this, especially that Galleon.

    1. Yup, I completely agree Dai, more times than not I'm wondering why did I back that or completely forgot that I even did - and we definitely shall not speak of all the unpainted projects I have as well lol!
