Sunday, October 21, 2018

Zombtober Week Three - More Survivors

I felt I really needed to move out of that corner of the board where I've been taking group photos of the zombie apocalypse over the past year. Every time I would add more figures I would just throw them in that same corner and move a few things around. Pretty boring really, so apologies! But honestly, because this board is no where near finished, I still feel odd trying to set up these staged photos even though I do think they look better than just the light box photos. Anyway, over to the trackside factory I went with the resulting zoomed in splash photo above.

I imagine that this was a supply run into the factory that has gone horribly horribly wrong!! This is the original photo - where clearly the author of this blog shouldn't have included it because it actually shows in full color detail just how much work still needs done lol

Ten more survivors were based this week, with a large number of walkers started for next weeks grand finale. Here are the first five - three Mantic figures and two from Studio Miniatures.

The first is Herschel Greene from Studio Miniatures. Obviously this version is from the television show and not the comic. Having only ever finished the first volume of the comic book series, I'm only familiar with Herschel as portrayed on the show and I quite liked that character a lot. When I saw this figure I had to grab him.

Next is Darrel Dixon, again from Studio Miniatures and another television show only figure.  Darrell is definitely a favorite of mine on the show, and just like with Herschel, when I saw him I absolutely had to get him into the shopping cart too.

Darrell's vest has some fantastic detail on the back with the wings. Overall the details on the SM figures are just amazing. The only thing is, as you can see in the group photo, they are a bit smaller than the Mantic figures. For me though it's nothing that isn't going to prevent me from mixing them in with the Mantic line of figures.

Patrick. Baseball bats seem all the rage with early figure sculpts.


And last in this group is Glenn.

This next group of five has Michonne, Tyrese, Andrea, Negan, and Chris - all from Mantic Games.

I know Tyrese is supposed to have been a former football player, but this particular sculpt has always bothered me - his shoulders just seem a bit too big, though in this particular angle he looks ok, the group photo not so much.




And last, Andrea.

Until next time, when we'll close out this Zomtober with a boatload of walkers, thanks for looking!



  1. Well done Ivor, I like the last two, they look like they mean business. I'm impressed with the quality and quantity of your output.

    1. Much appreciated John! Now, if only I could actually PLAY a game or two like you have been I'd be in business πŸ™‚

  2. Excellent Ivor I love the new location :) I think John has the right approach, play games as at the end of the day that why most of us put in all the effort.

    1. Much appreciated Frank :) I definitely needed to get out of that corner. Someday I'll have this board finished for a game... someday lol

  3. Great additions to any survivalist collection and I wouldn;t worry too much about using them alongside Matic figures either.

    1. Cheers Joe! Agreed, definitely not worried about the Studio minis playing alongside the Mantic ones.

  4. Excellent work Ivor! Clear bases are becoming ever more the norm with modern era miniatures it seems! That 'corner' of the board is mighty impressive! Is the rest of your table like that?

    1. Thanks a lot Terry! Well, if "is the rest of your table like that?" means a complete mess and unfinished, lol then yes it absolutely is πŸ˜€
      Seriously though, I imagine you're asking about the buildings and such - yes, the whole board is being built using railroad model buildings instead of traditional wargaming buildings. I've been wanting to do it for a long time now and finally started on it earlier in the year. A modern day zombie apocalypse seemed the perfect test for these kinds of buildings. Maybe I'll do a WIP on it in the future.

  5. That’s a lovely unfinished mess you have there Ivor.

  6. Great job! Your certainly banging your way through these. I have watched and read all the comics so far. My only disappointment really is Morgan isn't anything like he is in the TV series.

    Reminds me I really must get my Studio version of him painted.

    1. Thanks a lot Simon! I've heard that a lot about different characters being the complete opposite of who they are in one or the other. Carol is a good example of that, I've heard in the comic she is absolutely nothing like the TV version.
      Love Studio Miniatures! I have a couple of neat pulpy figures coming up in a post soon from them πŸ™‚

  7. Wow! Do I now feel unproductive? Great stuff.

    I think Tyrese looks like that because he's meant to have football pads on underneath his coat, hence the equipment card. However, I agree, he looks odd.

    On a separate note, the action shot looks ace.

    1. Cheers Kieron! You know, I never even thought of that, you're probably right about the football pads, makes total senseπŸ™‚

  8. Excellent work on the this latest bunch Ivor, awesome productivity. :)

  9. Holy crap, that scene infront of the loading docks is sweet! "Unfinished" my hairy arse... Tsk.

    Good additions mate.

    Comic is so much better than the tv series, you really should try reading some more.

    1. Lol! Cheers Dai! Once I zoomed in on the photo, it's wow factor did go up a bit - even a blind squirrel finds a nut sometime πŸ™‚

      I'll definitely check the second volume of the comics, I have placed a hold on it and just have to wait for my local library to get it in.
