I had inadvertently strayed away from working on my last two 4Ground buildings - The Sassy Gal and another Undertaker (which I haven't decided 100% on what I want it to be) - for Fords Canyon and actually did a little painting this week. I have some bank robbers I got at Historicon last year that are waiting for their bases to dry which I'll probably show here in a few days, but while I was working on them I actually finished up the last of my ACW Confederate generals from Old Glory that have been sitting on the desk for what seems like ages. So I thought I'd share some photos!
Lee |
Lee |
Longstreet |
Jackson |
I kind of have a love/hate relationship with Old Glory at this point. I think that it is because I now know that there are an absolute ton of quality ACW manufactures out there, though I will say that their "personalities" series of figures are top notch in my opinion. When I first bought into the Old Glory figures - almost four years ago now - I was completely new to miniature gaming save for Flames Of War. Which I mostly got sucked into by watching The Terrain Guys incredible videos on You Tube and the cool tanks and vehicles that the game has. If you've never seen any of his videos, even if you're not a WWII or FOW person, I highly recommend looking them up. Absolutely amazing stuff!
Beuaregard |
Ewell |
Pickett |
Barksdale |
Sure I had plenty of 1/72 scale plastic figures laying about that we used for spy genre RPG's back in the day, but metal 25/28mm figures were completely new to me. I am absolutely fascinated by the American Civil War and was always drawn to the Confederate side (especially the calvary) - certainly not because of political reasons, but I think more because I just love the underdog. It was after I found a copy of Richard Borg's excellent Battle Cry in a second hand store that I thought "How can I make this on a bigger scale with way more figures?" that the search for metal figures began. I knew I didn't want to do 15mm, even though I know you can create bigger battles in smaller spaces and ultimately it would even be lower in cost. But because I had painted some of the FOW figures and honestly I really hated it. So bigger scale it was.
Mosby |
Stuart |
Forrestt |
Armistead |
I got super lucky and found a really nice seller on Ebay getting rid of a collection of Old Glory ACW figures for a friend of his who unfortunately was going into assisted living. He had a lot more that he was going to try to put up on Ebay, but he offered me a deal to buy everything he had. It was too good a deal to pass up - and so began what I now affectionately call "The Mountain Of Lead"!
Hood *after Gettysburg!* |
A.P. Hill |
My fictional character - Hutton Kincaid - for the Longstreet rules |
Early |
Again, I don't want to knock Old Glory too much because for the money, you do get a lot with their membership card. I bought into it to fill holes from the Ebay purchase. Their customer service is fantastic and I always stop in and say "hello" at Historicon. But when I look at the horses for the pictures I posted here, for example, they are a little rough. Especially when you place them next to a Perry horse. There are some other things that bother me a bit, but again, this isn't a knock Old Glory post, and big picture, I'm happy overall with what I have and what I got for the money. And If I ever get it all painted, "Grand Army" - both North and South - wouldn't even begin to describe it!
McLaws |
D.H. Hill |
As always, thanks for looking!